Monday, December 12, 2011

chapter 3,4,5,6 "you majored in what"

In the chapter 3 we Will Explore and Develop Key Mindsets

Most college students know that they are developing new ways of thinking while they’re in school. But have you ever stopped to identify the key mindsets you’ve developed and why they might interest an employer? Becoming aware of your mindsets and their value is an important component of your sales pitch to potential employers.

Chapter 4: Wandering Beyond Majors and Minors

In Chapter 4 we are using the wandering map that was introduced to us in Chapter 2. This time we are adding skills, interests and ideas to the wandering map. By doing this it can help us relate or make some kind of connection to our majors. This is a great benefit since it will allow us to better understand our career paths.

Chapter 5: Identifying Your Possible Lives

Many college students who are majoring in liberal arts usually have more than one career goal. These students have trouble focusing on one career because they don’t want to limit themselves. Well this is not a problem because is always good to have more than one option, but it has to be well organized if not it will be confusing.

In chapter 5 the theme is Identifying Your Possible lives. Students who are having problems with their choice of career are because their career goals are all over the place. This is not a problem because this chapter introduces an exercise to map out and organized them to be less confusing. This map is called “The Possible Lives Map” is about how you could narrow down and put your career choices into categories.

Chapter 6: Even Wanderers Make Plans

Chapter 6 talks about making plans for the future. Here we are introduced to The Wise Wanderings system which has three planning strategies:

• The first one is Probability Planning (Wandering Strategy I) which means you know what you want to do.

• The second one is Possibility Planning (Wandering Strategy II) which is when you have several ideas for the future.

• And the last one is Seeking the Butterfly (Wandering Strategy III) meaning when you have no idea what you are going to do